Tuesday, February 26, 2013

A Tragic Day

Tonight it is very dark in Santa Cruz. A shooter killed 2 police officers, then died in a following shoot out with law enforcement. It is hitting me a bit hard because I was near the scene when it happened, at Whole Foods buying tea for my sore throat after work. They put us in lockdown and it was quite scary, and we didn't know what was going on outside.

Apparently there has never been an officer killed in Santa Cruz before today, and now there are two gone with loved ones and children left behind. It is so very sad to think of them. I am trying to focus on gratitude, that no one else was hurt, especially the children locked down in local schools, and for my own life which today tilted away in front of my eyes for a few moments of shock. We hear about things like this and can't imagine them happening right outside our doors, but when you experience terror it shrinks the world. We are a very tiny community tonight, under the macro focus of tragedy.

I love you, Santa Cruz. Stay safe tonight, and hug someone.

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