Monday, May 6, 2013

Seis de Mayo - DIY Infused Tequila Leftovers

I've got a confession. One my grandma will be happy to hear.

I don't drink much. I actually can't.
Between an early start-time at work, a vegan diet, and 5 days a week of rock-climbing, kick-boxing, or running, my body has a super-low tolerance compared to when I was younger and, err, less healthy. With my chosen lifestyle I just can't be out at the bars all night without feeling sick.

That said, when I do indulge, I want it to be delicious. Cheap and delicious. Which is how I got into infusing my own alcohol. Cheap booze + yummy fruit + patience = lip-smacking homebrew, great for presents or entertaining. My past libations include candy cane vodka and Skittles vodka, as Christmas presents. Candy worked well, but doesn't really go with tequila, so I decided to use the leftover fruit from my Cinco de Mayo margaritas (seen here). I worried about infusion times and the fruit potentially spoiling, so I did a little research and found a great beginners' guide here:

Following their advice, I did a batch of pure oranges, an orange-ginger, a pure strawberry, and a strawberry-lime. After 3 days they smelled and tasted fabulous, except for the orange -ginger. I think the ginger had turned, or else I used too much of it. It was foul.

The strawberry especially came out delicious. I kept the original bottle and poured the infused tequila back in, and the other flavors into jam jars to store in the fridge. Now I just have to use it up before the move. Who's coming over for a margarita? <3

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